Tag Archives: Photos

Quick Info

Hello all! I hope the photos of the different eye colors were helpful for you. The few missing ones will be added asap. If you appear to have a cat with one of the missing colors in our list ( Blue Ice, Key Lime, Odyssey Carnival, Odyssey Dream, Platinum, Purple Rain) please let us know. We’d love to take a picture of your Kitty.

Also, some of you were asking, so let me answer the big question now:
YES all the different types of fur will be next! 🙂
I will start taking the pictures today and I hope that we can complete the list very soon.
As there are more fur colors & shades than eye colors, we will need a bit more time, so please bear with us.

And last but not least: If you like our blog or have suggestions, questions, ideas or just want to leave us a message, please do so! It would be great to know what you think!